Partnering with Us

We are interested in involving our patients in our business. We are looking for interested patients and consumers interested in working with us to ensure we bring out documentation or initiatives that support you and are relevant to your needs.

Our Consumer and Community group meets approximately 2 times a year and morning tea will be provided. If you are interested in becoming part of this group, please let reception know and we will collect your details.

Complaint or Compliment

If you are not happy with your care or the service you were provided, we welcome your feedback. Also, if you were impressed by one of our staff, we would like to know so we can convey your gratitude to them. We take feedback very seriously and aim to resolve your concern as soon as we can. Please leave any messages using the form on the contact us page.


HCCC (Health Quality Complaints Commission)

The HCCC is an independent body that handles complaints raised about health service or provider. After you have attempted to resolve your complaint with the Coffs Day Hospital and feel that it was inadequate, you are welcome to contact the HCCC. The complaint process and contact details are on the website: